Team Hiebing

Whatever we do, we’re all in

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Director of Brand Strategy/Partner

As a veteran marketer who honed her craft at Procter & Gamble and Kraft Foods, Jeane’s professional acumen is rooted in the rigor of CPG marketing. Her experience in outmaneuvering competition, forecasting trends and future-proofing against commoditization prepared her for a decade-long tour in marketing consulting during which she advised multinational corporations such as Diageo, General Mills, Motorola and Johnson & Johnson.

Her expert ability to deliver needs-based segmentation, demand-space identification and brand positioning led her to Hiebing, where she helped develop and effectuate the agency’s proprietary Soul Purpose positioning model and Brand Heart-to-Heart concept-testing platform. Known for her combination of grit and joviality, Jeane thrives when given the opportunity to solve strategic challenges with high degrees of difficulty. Numerous campuses within the University of Wisconsin System, niche challenger brands like Organic Valley and Justin’s Nut Butters and tech providers including SPS Commerce and Ascentis have all benefited from Jeane’s ability to identify unknown market space and paths to value-creation.

After graduating from Carroll University and receiving her MBA from Indiana University, Jeane has dedicated much of her personal life to helping and inspiring those in her community. She was a big sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County for 13 years and is actively involved with The River Food Pantry, Dane County Humane Society and United Way of Dane County. Jeane is an MS Ambassador for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and serves on the board of directors for DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services). As you can imagine, her very supportive husband rarely sees her.

Two Truths and a Lie:

  1. Known for handing out full-size candy bars at Halloween
  2. Excused from reading “Old Yeller” as a child due to the ending
  3. Mariah Carey’s “One Sweet Day” defined her ’90s